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Options powered by Bringing the power of Machine Learning to option traders

Key product characteristics

  • is a web-based platform aiming to bring the power of Machine Learning to option traders
  • Canari uses Artificial Intelligence to track patterns in screen trades, cross underlying volatility spreads and term structure shapes among other use cases
  • The data is derived from our A7 Analytics platform

We currently offer three different products in our Data Shop:

Option Prices and Greeks

  • Complete view of options’ implied volatility to understand price dynamics
  • Intraday (5 minutes sampled) historical bid ask and calibrated Fair Value for all active options on Eurex
  • Two different product packages available: File-based historical data starting April 2019 and live (delayed) data via API
  • Coverage of around 240 underlyings including indices and single stocks
  • Underlyings include indices like Euro Stoxx 50, DAX, SMI, sector indices, and European stocks from Eurozone countries, Switzerland, UK or Scandinavia
  • Use cases: Book valuation, structured products pricing, machine learning input to generate predictive signals

Option Trades and Imbalances

  • All trades on options and dividend futures including multileg strategies along with valuation information to find the aggressor
  • All trades with precise timestamp on all active options on Eurex
  • Includes underlying price at the time of trade, aggressor side and price compared to fair value
  • Provides a reference spot price and precise fair value of the option
  • Product is available as end of day recap files available after market close
  • Data universe includes all Eurex options and dividend futures
  • Use cases: Portfolio valuation, trend detection, signal construction based on trade activity

Option Forecasting Indicators

  • Product provides AI generated forecast indicators on implied and realised volatility
  • Dispersion indicators (DSP, DSPSMI) give prediction regarding relative value of volatility (index vs components)
  • Underlyings in Europe indices include DAX, SMI, sector indices, and European stocks from Eurozone countries, Switzerland, UK or Scandinavia
  • Underlyings in the US include single stocks and sector ETFs
  • Use cases: Options portfolio assessment, building of systematic option strategies, optimising of vega hedging