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Foreign Exchange (FX) FX Information from 360T

Market Data + Services distributes the following Information Products:

Color codeProductGranularity

360T® FX Swap Data (full data universe)


360T® G10 FX Swap Data


360T® EM FX Swap Data


360T® NDF FX Swap Data


360T FX Spot Data


With over 2,200 buy-side customers and more than 200 liquidity providers across 75 different countries, 360T is uniquely positioned to help connect the global FX industry via their proprietary suite of web-based technology solutions. As the Deutsche Börse Group’s global FX unit, 360T offers a full range of streamlined services across the entire trading workflow of FX and Short-Term Money Market products.

Key Information Product Characteristics

  • The Information Product 360T FX Swap Data offers contributed swap market data
  • The swap data from 360T satisfies the need for reliable and granular pricing of the market around broken and special dates in addition to standard tenors
  • 360T swap Information provides aggregated prices of more than 20 contributing Tier 1 and specialist banks
  • The 360T spot data is sourced from a selection of liquidity provider streams
  • The Information product offers instant access to comprehensive Information covering more than 40 currency pairs, enabling increased market transparency and delivering granular information for critical trading decision making
  • 360T is an award-winning multi-bank, multi-asset trading platform for OTC and listed financial instruments
  • It encompasses market activity across interbank, institutional and corporate customer segments, on disclosed and undisclosed connections, across multiple time zones

Information Product Details

360T FX Swap Data

  • Sourced from 360T’s® Swap Data Feed (SDF)
  • Innovative solution to the need for accurate, reliable FX Swaps and granular pricing around broken and special dates
  • The swap and underlying spot data is based on the contribution of more than 20 Tier 1 and specialist banks
  • The data is aggregated, anonymised and sanitised using the DIGITEC D3 state-of-the-art pricing system
  • Full granularity across the curve from O/N up to fi ve years in over 40 currency pairs and 1,800 crosses across G10, local markets and non-deliverable forwards
  • Sourced and aggregated from 360T liquidity provider contributions in collaboration with DIGITEC
  • DIGITEC is the industry-leading software provider of FX core pricing solutions

360T FX Spot Data

  • Sourced from 360T’s® Essential Data Feed (EDF)
  • Streaming, calculated mid and bid/offer spreads for more than 40 currency pairs across G10 and emerging markets
  • Sourced and aggregated from 360T global execution platform
  • Stream selection is based on the most active liquidity provider streams by volume
  • Firm and last look pricing inputs