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Historical 360T market data High- quality historical data from the FX spot and swap market

With over 2,200 buy-side customers and more than 200 liquidity providers across 75 different countries, 360T is uniquely positioned to help connect the global FX industry via their proprietary suite of web-based technology solutions. As the Deutsche Börse Group’s global FX unit, 360T offers a full range of streamlined services across the entire trading workflow of FX and Short-Term Money Market products.

360T FX Swap Data

  • Sourced from 360T’s Historical Data Feed (HDF)
  • Highly-quality, independent and reliable FX market data across Spot, Swaps and Forwards
  • The data is available for G10, local markets and NDFs including special dates, turn dates and broken dates
  • The swap and underlying spot data is based on the contribution of more than 20 Tier 1 and specialist banks

360T FX Spot Data

  • Sourced from 360T’s Essential Data Feed (EDF)
  • FX Spot data adapted to your individual needs
  • Comprehensive view of the FX Spot market
  • Calculated mid and bid/offer spreads in multiple pricing tiers for more than 40 currency pairs across G10 and emerging markets

360T Flow Insights

  • Sourced from 360T’s Flow Data Feed (FDF)
  • Directional FX Spot and Forward Flows traded on 360T over the preceding 24 hours
  • Delivery of volumes and flows direction allowing trends over time in FX executions to be observed across peer groups and the wider market
  • Unique layer of granularity across different client segments
  • Delivered in CSV format and illustrates absolute fl ows traded across the 360T trading platform by currency, client type and time zone

360T Precious Metal Swap Data

  • Sourced from 360T’s Precious Metal Data Feed (PMF)
  • Captures unique market intelligence, supporting enhanced price discovery and execution benchmarking
  • Enables traders to significantly enhance their Precious Metals trading capabilities
  • Provides rate reasonability curve which is derived from contributing banks’ core pricing engines and consolidates these multiple bank curves in one aggregated market view

The 360T market data can be retrieved through our Data Shop Historical Data

> Deutsche Börse Data Shop