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Nodal Power Derivatives Premium data from the market leader in North American futures

About Nodal Exchange

  • Nodal Exchange is part of Deutsche Börse’s European Energy Exchange and was awarded Commodity Exchange of the Year 2023 by Energy Risk
  • The Exchange is market leader in North American power futures with majority share of open interest with record 1.3 billion MWh as of end of year 2023
  • It offers the major power hub contracts bundle which is geographically representative for the US power market at large
  • The set of available power futures account for currently over 60% of the traded volume across all ISOs in the United States
  • Nodal Exchange provides the world's largest set of environmental futures and options contracts with over 70 US environmental markets

Key Information Product characteristics

  • Monthly cash settled term futures contracts for on and off-peak power at commercially significant hubs
  • Set of available power futures account for currently over 60% of the traded volume across all ISOs in the United States
  • Data provides accurate pricing basis for various load types to support risk management and other areas
  • Covers the complete set of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs):
    • ISO-NE (New England)
    • NYISO (New York Independent System Operator)
    • PJM (Interconnection in the Mid-Atlantic region)
    • MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator)
    • ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas)
    • SPP (Southwest Power Pool)
    • CAISO (California Independent System Operator)
  • The data include the best bid and ask prices (up to order book depth 5) as well as the last traded price, together with the underlying order volumes

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Nodal Environmental Derivatives